| 1. | The change of vascular tone was observed after different ion substitution 观察不同的离子替代后血管张力的变化。 |
| 2. | Vascular tone plays a key role in the maintenance of blood pressure 血管张力的维持与血管平滑肌细胞上的离子通道密切相关。 |
| 3. | Role of volume - regulated cl channels ( vrcc , ic1 . vol ) on vascular tone was observed 观察容积敏感性氯离子通道对血管张力的调节作用。 |
| 4. | We , therefore , investigated the role of anion channels on the vascular tone 研究表明,阴离子通道是维持心脏和血管活动的重要因素。 |
| 5. | Pharmacological characteristics of novel endothelium purinoceptor in modulating vascular tone 血管内皮细胞上嘌呤受体新亚型对血管张力的调节作用 |
| 6. | Anion channels are extensively expressed in the cardiovascular system , but their roles in the modulation of vascular tone are poorly understood 阴离子通道(也被称为cl ~ -通道)在心血管系统中有广泛地表达。 |
| 7. | Typical beneficial properties of no include the regulation of vascular tone , the protection of cells against apoptosis , themodulation of immune responses , and the killing of microbial pathogens 它在循环系统、神经系统、消化系统、呼吸系统和免疫系统等多种病理生理过程中发挥重要的调节作用,在动物(包括人类)的饮食营养中受到重视。 |
| 8. | In 1980 , furchgott and his colleagues presented the first evidence that acetylcholine ( ach ) , by acting on endothelial cells , stimulated the release of a relaxing factor ( edrf ) that acted on the preconstricted rabbit thoracic aorta to produce relaxation . a research interest on the endothelium - derived regulation of vascular tone , since then , is on the increase 自1980年furchgott发现乙酰胆碱( acetylcholine , ach )可通过内皮释放一种舒张因子( edrf ) ,使预先收缩的免主动脉环松弛以来,人们对内皮源性血管张力调节机制进行了广泛的研究,现已证实, edrf便是一氧化氮( no ) 。 |
| 9. | These results suggest : 1 ) anion channels play an important role in the regulation of blood vascular tone ; 2 ) ne - stimulated contraction is not influenced by extracellular sodium ; 3 ) vascular tone can be affected by anion channel ' s activity ; 4 ) the activation of anion channels do not depend on release of intracellular calcium ; 5 ) anion channels may be involved in the regulation of vascular tone through modulating the influx of extracellular calcium and the release of intracellular calcium 阴离子通道对血管平滑肌细胞外钙内流和内钙释放都有调节作用。本研究表明,血管张力的维持可能主要与阴离子通道的活动状态有关。阴离子通道很可能是通过调节血管平滑肌细胞外钙内流和内钙释放两个途径来发挥调节血管张力的作用。 |